John Barber Building Design Ltd - Outstanding Designs
John Barber Building Design Ltd - Outstanding Designs

Project G

John Barber Building Design Ltd - Building Design Project G North Lincolnshire GranaryThis property was originally the site of a typical granary and cart shed in a North Lincolnshire central village location.

The owner's initial plan was to retain the original granary, which appeared to be in reasonable condition, and rebuild the neglected cart shed as a two-storey addition to create a new dwelling.

A telephone call to the local Planning Officer revealed no particular issues and the planning application was approved. However, the owners were not in a position to carry out the works immediately and the building was left to deteriorate for a further 3 years which meant that the granary was no longer a viable restoration project.

A revised application was therefore submitted to build a totally new dwelling on the same footprint, retaining original features such as the tumble brickwork. This application was then approved under delegated powers in approximately eight weeks.

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